The Official GEN Blog

The Curious Codex

Welcome to the Blog, the following articles are available. These articles are written by our staff, our customers and sometimes by guests, so please remember they may not reflect the official company position on anything.

If you have any comments or corrections, please feel free to reach out to us on the contact page.



2024-05-312024-05-31Deliveroo Accused of Violating GDPR by Selling Customer Data to Restaurant Chains
2024-05-292024-05-30GDPR and Cloud Hositng Considerations
2024-05-212024-05-21Don't let your Chatbot land you in Court
2024-05-192024-05-27Migrating away from VMWare to ProxMox before its too late
2024-05-182024-05-20ClaudeBot and Other Bad Bots
2024-05-172024-05-17Leveraging AI for Real World Commercial Benefits
2024-05-112024-05-14Synology Active Backup for Business
2024-05-092024-05-11Information Blackmail - Microsoft Style
2024-05-082024-05-25Leaving the sinking ship that is RedHat
2024-05-052024-05-11Why Email Housekeeping is a must
2024-04-292024-05-11Why does damage your traffic?
2024-04-252024-04-27The new site finally arrives
2024-01-062024-05-11Finally leaving HomeSeer for HomeAssistant
2022-04-192024-04-27Breakdown Cover Considerations
2021-07-172024-04-25What is SIP
2019-08-282024-05-03Torrent Sites - The History, Mistakes and Failures
2019-04-302024-05-11How to annoy your customers with Google ReCaptcha

--- This content is not legal or financial advice & Solely the opinions of the author ---

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